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lightning protection

Lightning Protection


A current traveling down a tree can jump ("side flash") to more conductive materials such as another tree, structure or person.  The current follows the path of least resistence.


A lightning protection system is a risk management tool that, when installed properly, can help minimize tree damage and possibly reduce collateral damage around the tree caused by "side flash" by providing a preferred path for the electrical currents to the ground.


Since trees are often the tallest objects, they can be the most vulnerable to getting struck by lightning.  Each lightning strike can produce temperatures greater than 50,000° F and an electrical charge of 100 million volts.


Trees to consider for lightning protection:

  • trees that are taller and close to structures (such as your home or office)

  • high value trees

  • trees in areas where people congregate

       (such as golf courses, parks, recreation areas)

  • trees growing near water or are in open areas

       (such as a pasture)



We follow ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

A300 (Part 4) Standards for the Installation of

Lightning Protection Systems.


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