Proudly serving Connecticut
customers since 1960.
Tree Planting
Trees serve a multitude of purposes in our lives. They produce oxygen, cooling shade, filter some pollutants (such as carbon dioxide) from the air, block unwanted views, help prevent soil erosion, produce fruit, provide food and shelter for wildlife, act as a design feature or focal point in a landscape - only some of the many, many advantages of having trees.
Trees, as part of a well maintained landscape, can also add value to your home or business.
At Lindon Tree Service, we help you with selecting the right tree for the right place. Site conditions (sandy soil vs. clay soil), sun exposure (full sun vs. shade) and location (proximity to any structures, septic or well, etc) all need to be considered. We also review what functions you hope to accomplish with the tree (ornamental/landscape feature, privacy screen, etc).